A quick spin out before the light got too dark, that is why the quality of the video ain't the best. Great fun, rough some of the old Roman Road was a bit too rough for a 20" front wheel.
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Oh I also made a movie : https://www.youtube...
I got some new tyres for the Azub Six, Continental Double Fighter III. They feel a bit more bouncy compared to the Schwalbe Racer's that I have been using. But they got a better grip on gravel and I can't feel a lack of rolling speed either.
I was clicking around on Strava and found a bit of bridl...
Followed an old ride today, which I haven't done since '13. Stunning country side, bridle ways and country lanes. Some parts where rather hard to ride as it was sill damp from the rain last week and the worst of the bridleways were always on the hills and rather stony. So I pushed some bits but that...
Went out to check a new route, I knew bits of it would be off-road for about 2 miles. I was prepared to walk/push some of that, but managed most of it. I think I only walked about 50-75 metres. Only time I walked was when I hit a ford with a gate next to it and when joining the bridle coming out fro...
woollypigs.com was with Grav. woollypigs@mastodon